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  • Prepare to be swept away by the intoxicating fusion of water, sand, and salt, woven together to create a scent that is refreshingly clean and irresistibly ozonic.

    At first encounter, zesty top notes of lemon, orange, pear, and a touch of fresh ozone tantalize your senses, awakening your spirit with a burst of invigorating energy. As the waves of fragrance unfold, a heart of briny marine sea salt emerges, enhanced by a subtle hint of jasmine, evoking the allure of the vast ocean and its captivating mysteries.

    The journey continues, as gentle undertones of powder and light musk effortlessly harmonize with the robust aromas of woody violet and cedar, forming a captivating base that lingers on the skin. Immerse yourself in the aura of confidence and opulence, as this body butter bestows upon you an aura of irresistible charm and masculine appeal.

    Imagine a man who exudes not only elegance and grace but also possesses a captivating scent that leaves a lasting impression. With every application, our handmade body butter enhances your aura, elevating your presence and evoking a sense of mystery and desire. It's not just about smelling good; it's about radiating an irresistible aura of self-assuredness and sophistication.

    Hoochie Daddy

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